Isaac Ambrose




Isaac Ambrose

Isaac Ambrose was born in Lancashire, England. He studied at Brasenose College, Oxford, and suffered imprisonment as a Presbyterian during the English Civil War. He was ejected for his non-conformity in 1662. He lived among his friends in his retirement but died suddenly of apoplexy in 1664.


He is most known for his fairly lengthy (300+ pages) work, Looking Unto Jesus. Joel Beeke describes Ambrose as “a Christ-centered and warmly experiential author.” Beeke continues by saying, “He spoke of himself as a son of Boanerges and Barnabas, though his writings and ministry appear to have reflected more of the latter than the former. His writings are remarkably free of polemics.”

(Information mostly from The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge)


Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia

Digital Puritan (also includes his works)

Notable Works:

Looking Unto Jesus