Hugh Martin
Hugh Martin was a very talented individual. He was gifted in both theology and mathematics. Martin pastored a church in Panbride, Scotland for 14 years. He then led a congregation in Edinburgh for several more years. In 1865, he was forced to resign from the pastorate due to mental health conditions. However, Martin did not let this stop his efforts. He acted as a visiting preacher when he could, but the last third of his life should be remembered for his productivity with his pen. The Scottish author wrote his most successful books during this period, such as a commentary on Jonah, a book on the atonement, and even a math textbook. Martin stands in the annals of church history as an example of perseverance during difficulty.
Articles on Hugh Martin:
“Hugh Martin” by Donald Macleod
Notable Works:
1866 - The Prophet Jonah. Other sources say this was first published in 1870.
1867 - A Study of Trilinear Co-ordinates. This is a mathematics textbook.
1870 - The Atonement
1875 - The Shadow of Calvary